I was very sleepy in a very early time for asking Lita to go to bed last night. It was 9.00 pm and I saw she still had at least 40% energy to fuel her movement (jumping, running, dancing and laughing)with her "twins", Gita. I tried hard to open up my eyes, and then watching TV was the solution I believed. Accidently, I watch the Mario Teguh's show, one of the famous motivators in Indonesia. At the beginning I thought that I would be more sleepy if I watched people talk only, no music and no gossips. But fortunately, I was interested with what he talked about: "predicting success". The more I focused on it, the more my eyes open and of course I said good bye to Mr. Sleepy.
Many of his words are still hanging around in my mind and need to be written here.
Problems. Having problems is the way you will get success in the future, meanwhile having no problem will make you just stuck in your current position. So, finding and solving the problems is the key of success. Do not think that problem is just problem but problem is a priority to be solved.
Success. We can predict our success by thought. If we always think positively about any possibility in our life, and believe that we can reach it, then the success is in front of you.
Performance. Performance is 50% of your modality to get success. If you have ability then performance will definitely support your success.
These 3 words are motivating me today... when my spirit is starting to decrease since I believe that less than 3 months to go the things will change again... Who knows and I love my life.
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