Agustus 31, 2010

Firs day in Laboratory

After a week I've been busy with settling everything in Jogja, finally I can breath freely and start my journey. I visited Medical Faculty GMU to meet Bu Ning, my supervisor who has given me this opportunity. Nine o'clock in the morning sharply I stepped in to laboratory's door. Unfortunately, she has'nt come yet. I tried to enter the door after waiting for 15 minutes outside. I knocked one of the doors and meet Ibu Sunyi. She was smiling and trying to recognize me. She still remembered me and in a short time we had a long chat. She is the only one assistant of Bu Ning who works for TB research. She gave me some references and explained to me the progress of the on going research that I will involve in.
Let me give you an overview about the research. This research is about " Thin Layer Agar as a new rapid diagnosis of TB in smear negative patients in Jogjakarta", conducted by Department of Tropical Medicine GMU in collaboration with Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium. Since I will attend a TB course in Lausanne in October, they ask me to visit Antwerp for gaining some knowledge and skills in Thin Layer Agar. This is a good opportunity for me to start a new journey in TB Lab. I will assist Bu Ning in lab working for the on going study. The objective of the study is determine the sensitivity and specificity of TLA compare with other methods (Lwenstein Jensen/LJ and Mycobacterium Growth Indicator Tube/MGIT) in smear negative patients. The target samples is around 1400 negative smears patients taken from 3 BLKs in Jogjakarta. 161 has been successfully collected and examined.
After waiting for 3 hours, finally Bu Ning came in to her room. She looked happy and of course busy. She told me about the research and asked to observe the lab works for this 2 weeks and do it by myself after. Having half an hour effective discussion with her made me conclude that I should work hard with this.
Fortunately soon after the discussion was ended, I had an opportunity to observe directly the preparation of media (TLA), sputum decontamination and inoculation process in to TLA, MGIT, LJ and object glass for BTA examination. I will explain latter on the steps of each method. Basically, I really enjoy it and excited to involve in this study.
As I always say to Lita: I will never stop learning. Thanks for opening my way God, I will try more harder.

Agustus 04, 2010

Smart Risk

I watched a kid's program accidentally in abckids this morning. His program has made me realize what happen in my life in this short time. Many value things that I need to share here.
The host asked the audience: do you feel bored if everyday you do the same things in your life? eat, sleep, watch, eat, sleep and watch again. We called this as a comfort zone. If you want to do something new, we called it take a risk. It is not always as dangerous risk but a smart risk. Sometime get out of the comfort zone make us feel uncomfortable. Therefore, before you decide to take the smart risk you should assess the positive and negative things that will be affected to the risk. From this assessment you should determine what is your goal and what are you afraid of? How you can cope this feeling and take the first step?

This is really useful for me to be applied in my recent new decision. I am assuming it as my smart risk. My goal is to get a new experience in TB area and enhance my capability and knowledge. The positive thing that might be happen if I take this risk is I can start my new carrier that is related to my background. The negative thing that might be happen is they don't satisfy with the result of the course. Thus, that is one thing that I am afraid of: failure.
For reducing the negative thing to be happened, I should more reading, learning and keep practicing as much as I can. Do my best and let God taking care of the rest.