Biosafety consist of 2 words: Bio (biology) and safety, means protection to potentially harms from infection agents including.
Infective Microorganism were classified into 4 risk group:
Risk group 1 (no/low individual and community risk)
Risk group 2 (moderate individual and low community risk)
Risk Group 3 (high individual and low community risk)
Risk Group 4 (high individual and community risk)
If there is a limitation of information, the epidemiological data and patient history can be used to asses the risk.
Biosafety level is divided into 4 level based on the composite of design features, construction, containment facilities, equipment, practices and operational procedures.
Biosafety level1 - basic
Biosafety level 2 - basic
Biosafety level 3 - containment
Biosafety level 4 - maximum containment
The backbone of Biosafety is Risk Assessment that performed by professional judgement as the laboratory director responsibility. This should be reviewed routinely and revised if required.